Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Workshop on Constitutions and the Environment

Erin Daly (Widener University), writes with an announcement about the following conference, which looks intriguing:

Constitutional Environmental Rights Workshop
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Environmental Law Center
Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DE
On Thursday, May 31, 2012, the Widener Environmental Law Center (WELC) in Wilmington, Delaware, will host a one-day scholar workshop on recent developments in the growing field of global and domestic constitutional environmental rights. Workshop organizers Professors Erin Daly and Jim May invite you to attend to present a work in progress, to comment, or to observe.  Space is limited. RSVPs by 3/31/12 to:
Environmental values and rights are featured in constitutions around the globe, addressing such issues as preservation, re-development, sustainability, pollution abatement, human rights, climate change, energy reform, water resources, or environmental rights. Constitutional provisions from almost six dozen countries embed individual rights to some form of healthy, adequate or quality environment, recognize basic human rights to clean water, air, and land, and environmental opportunity, or provide a right not just to, but of, nature. And more than one-third of states in the United States explicitly purport to provide a basic civil right to a quality environment or recognize environmental concerns as a policy consideration.
The workshop will serve as a forum for works/projects in progress. The objective is to share ideas in a relaxed setting, review and provide peer level comments about each other’s work, and assess current developments. Lunch and light refreshments are included. The program is free.
The program is open to (1) scholars who are interested in sharing significant works-in-progress, such as books, articles, advocacy and constitutional amendments, and (2) scholars who would be interested in providing comments to a work in progress, (3) observers. Confirmed participants so far include Mark Tushnet, Bob Percival, John Dernbach, Randy Abate, and Daniel Bonilla.
Space is limited to 50 participants. If you would like to participate, we ask that you please respond soon, and no later than March 31, 2012, to: Please note whether you would like to participate to share scholarship (one-page abstract, please), as a commentator, or as an observer. If your paper/project is chosen, then we ask to receive it by April 30, 2012.
Widener University School of Law’s Delaware campus is located roughly 10 minutes from Amtrak’s Wilmington station stop, and about 30 minutes from the Philadelphia International Airport. If you have any questions, please contact Professors Jim May (, or Erin Daly ( We hope you can join us!


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