Constitutional Studies Program
at The University of Texas at Austin
and the
Institute for Transnational Law
at The University of Texas at Austin
in cooperation with the
Section on Comparative Law
Association of American Law Schools
invite submissions for
Convened by
Richard Albert (Texas)
Lauren Fielder (Texas)
Submissions are invited from comparative law scholars around the world for a works-in-progress roundtable on all subjects of comparative law. Preference will be given to early-career scholars as well scholars working on book projects. The purpose of this roundtable is to offer scholars the opportunity to develop their ideas as they work toward submitting a draft for publication.
Convened by Richard Albert (Texas) and Lauren Fielder (Texas), this roundtable will be held in the School of Law at the University of Texas at Austin on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. The roundtable may be extended to a second day (Wednesday, May 22, 2019) depending on the number of submissions accepted.
Submissions are welcome on any subject of comparative law—public or private—taking any perspective and using any methodological approach.
The roundtable will feature a small number of accepted submissions. The roundtable will devote up to one hour to each accepted submission. Participants must have read all submissions prior to the program in order to facilitate a robust and constructive discussion on each submission.
Submissions are invited from comparative law scholars around the world at any level of seniority, including students enrolled in graduate programs in law or related disciplines that engage the study of comparative law.
Submission Instructions
Interested scholars should email PFD versions of their work-in-progress and CV by 5pm Austin (Texas) time on Thursday, March 14, 2019 to on the understanding that the work-in-progress will be shared with all accepted roundtable participants. Scholars should identify their submission with the following subject line: “Work-in-Progress Roundtable on Comparative Law.”
Accepted applicants will be notified no later than Monday, April 4, 2019. If you do not receive a notification by this date, we regret that we were unable to accommodate your application.
There is no cost to participate in this roundtable. Group meals will be generously sponsored by the Constitutional Studies Program at The University of Texas at Austin. The Constitutional Studies Program will moreover provide a travel stipend of $250 USD to each accepted applicant. The Institute for Transnational Studies at The University of Texas at Austin will offer an additional stipend of $250 USD for accommodation. Accepted applicants are responsible for securing their own funding for all other expenses.
Please direct inquiries in connection with this roundable to:
Richard Albert
William Stamps Farish Professor of Law
The University of Texas at Austin
richard.albert [at]
