Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Why this forum?

Welcome! Here you will find commentary on issues and events surrounding constitutional design. The goal is the same as that for more generally: to connect scholars and drafters, neither of whom can very easily follow what the other does. To that end, we endeavor to bring to light two sorts of information: (1) reports of constitutional deliberation (and challenges therein) from various corners of the world, and (2) reports of noteworthy research on the subject.

The ideas are serious but, we hope, that the tone will anything but ponderous; depending upon the authors’ energy level, it will ideally be lively and direct. If there is a lighter side to constitutional design, an irony worth exploring, or simply a good story from the field, we will not shy away from sharing it. In the end, however, the idea is to help drafters make decisions and to sharpen and re-direct scholars’ research and agenda.

The forum’s authors welcome reaction from readers (in the form of comments to posts) and are certainly amenable to more sustained and two-way communication. We plan, from time to time, to invite some to join us as regular authors or guests and will explore other ways to incorporate questions and comments in a more prominent form. If there are burning questions or comments that deserve to be headlined, we invite readers to email them to us and we will be happy to post our thoughts on the subject or invite others to do so.

Aside from that, we’ll refrain from making any broad proclamations about the forum. Should it prove useful and thought-provoking we will certainly keep it going.


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