Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

The Keith Project

–Juliet Bull, Victoria University of Wellington


Sir Kenneth Keith, ONZ, KBE, QC is a renowned New Zealand Judge currently serving a nine-year term on the bench of the International Court of Justice. The “Keith Project” is a Victoria University of Wellington initiative which will provide access to Sir Kenneth’s extensive body of extra-judicial writing. Using the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) platform, abstracts of each article along with electronic copies of the text (where copyright permits) are currently being made available online.


Sir Kenneth has contributed to many areas of law, both in New Zealand and internationally, through his judging, advocacy, writing and teaching. He served as a Judge of the New Zealand Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Prior to these appointments, Sir Kenneth was Dean of Victoria University of Wellington Law Faculty and President of the New Zealand Law Commission.


The uploaded articles discuss constitutional and administrative law; law reform; legal education and international law, in particular his experiences at the International Court of Justice – as both counsel and Judge – and his interest in international humanitarian law.


Sir Kenneth’s SSRN author page currently contains 50 papers with more to come. The project is led by Professor John Prebble and Dr Mark Bennett at Victoria University, with research assistance from Juliet Bull. To view the SSRN page of Sir Kenneth Keith and begin reading these abstracts and papers, please follow this link.


Suggested citation: Juliet Bull, The Keith Project, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, June 5, 2013, available at:



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