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emergency powers – Page 2 – I·CONnect

Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: emergency powers

  • The Hamartia of the Constitutional Court of Turkey: Part I

    — Dr. Ali Acar, Ph.D. in Law, European University Institute Introduction The dismissals of so many academics by an emergency decree in early February has sparked, once again, a public debate concerning the controversial judgments of the Constitutional Court of Turkey delivered on October 12, 2016, which dealt with the emergency decrees adopted after the…

  • On Abusive Constitutionalism: Two Critical Impulses

    —Jorge González-Jácome, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia The relationship between constitutionalism and authoritarianism is not simple. Some might argue that they are opposing concepts but a very suggestive article by David Landau has coined the term abusive constitutionalism to refer to the use of tools of constitutional amendment and constitutional replacement used by would-be autocrats to…