Tag: comparative constitutional law
Book Review/Response: Claudia Haupt and Markus Thiel on Church and State in Germany and the United States
[Editor’s Note: In this installment of I•CONnect’s Book Review/Response Series, Markus Thiel reviews Claudia Haupt’s recently-published book Religion-State Relations in the United States and Germany: The Quest for Neutrality. Claudia Haupt then responds to Markus Thiel’s review.] —Markus Thiel, Professor of Public Law, University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne, and Associate…
The value of case-specific inquiry in comparative constitutional law methodology: Preliminary thoughts and questions
—Claudia E. Haupt, Associate-in-Law, Columbia University What exactly are we doing when we engage in comparative constitutional inquiry? How do we choose the parameters of comparison? How do we determine whether we ought to engage in a large sample size (or large-N) or a small sample size (or small-N) study?