Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Special Announcement–Rivista di Diritti Comparati: A Brand New Journal

–Andrea Buratti, Giuseppe Martinico, Oreste Pollicino, Giorgio Repetto and Raffaele Torino, Editors-in-Chief

The first issue of the brand-new journal “Rivista di Diritti Comparati” is on line and can be downloaded at this link.

The Rivista has been launched in the wake of the success of the blog, which was created in 2010. The roots and aims of this blog have been described in a long interview published on Verfassungsblog.

In the last few years, Diritti Comparati has published over 1000 posts, reviewing the main evolutions not only in Europe but also in the United States, the Arab jurisdictions and Latin America.

In spite of its relative youth, the life of Diritti Comparati has been marked by a number of complex and cumbersome events. Meanwhile, our purpose has not changed: to hold fast to the early scientific and cultural inspiration of our project, which has served as a meeting point for many young (but not exclusively so) legal scholars with different backgrounds.

All these goals nurture legal scholarship and urge it to reckon with a rapidly evolving scene. This has always been the common ground among the young researchers who have participated in the editorial staff and, over the years, have contributed to this blog: they have submitted draft articles and early notes, but also detailed and rich analyses and high-level studies.

The Rivista di Diritti Comparati has just published some contributions and can be consulted in the form both of individual articles and of four-monthly issues. The Rivista will publish contributions in Italian, English, Spanish and French in order to reflect the multilingualism which has characterised Diritti Comparati over the years. Editorial guidelines and further details are available here.

Our common purpose, which has not changed in its core, is to study the culture of fundamental rights and its transformations in a comparative perspective. In so doing, we focus on legal regulations, case laws, policies, national and supranational history, Italian and non-Italian scholarly works. We aim at departing from rigid methodological barriers in order to overcome the compartimentalisation of research and to favour an open dialogue among scholars with different academic and generational backgrounds. We stick to the idea that in this field the understanding of legal phenomena and our world is at stake. These are the reasons for our renovated effort.

The first issue gathers contributions from established and young scholars and is articulated in three main sections (essays, commentaries and book reviews/review articles), covering different subjects

We welcome submissions from non-Italian and Italian scholars alike.


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