—David Landau, Florida State University College of Law
The editors of I-CONnect are pleased to announce our new slate of columnists for 2019: Dian A H Shah, William Partlett, Paola Bergallo, and Jill Goldenziel. We are confident that they will provide a diverse and fascinating set of voices, representing a range of regional and substantive areas of focus, for the coming year.
We would also like to give thanks to our outgoing 2018 columnists — Jaclyn Neo, James Fowkes, Francisca Pou Giménez, and Renata Uitz. We are grateful to each of these wonderful scholars for agreeing to serve as columnists last year, and think you will agree that they added an immense amount to the blog.
The format of the columns will stay the same as last year. The goal is to provide ICONnect with regular contributors who have a distinctive voice and unique perspective on public law. Columns, while scholarly in accordance with the tone of the blog and about the same length as a normal blog post, are a bit more “op-ed” in nature than standard posts. Each columnist will produce one column every two months.
Although we expect that many of our readers already know their work, we append brief bios for each of our new columnists below. Please join us in welcoming them to I-CONnect!

Dian A H Shah is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. She completed her LL.M and S.J.D degrees at Duke University Law School, and prior to that she graduated with an LL.B from Warwick University. Her research interests span the fields of constitutional history, comparative constitutional law, and human rights, and her work focuses on the interaction of law, religion, and politics in plural and divided societies. Dian is the author of Constitutions, Religion and Politics in Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka (CUP 2017) and the co-editor of a volume on Law and Society in Malaysia: Pluralism, Religion and Ethnicity (Routledge 2018). She serves as the Deputy Editor of the Asian Journal of Comparative Law (AsJCL) and the Editor of the AsJCL’s Special Issue on ‘Religion and Constitutional Practices in Asia’ (forthcoming, December 2018).

William Partlett is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School. He writes and teaches in the field of public law. Partlett’s research takes a historical and comparative approach to questions of public law. He is currently working on two projects. One compares how historical arguments about public authority and identity shape constitutionalism in Russia and the other fourteen countries of post-Soviet Eurasia. The other examines the migration of constitutional ideas and institutions from post-Soviet Eurasia to Eastern Europe and Asia.
Before coming to Melbourne, Professor Partlett was an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Columbia University Law School, and a Fellow at The Brookings Institution. Professor Partlett holds a JD from Stanford Law School as well as a DPhil in Soviet History and MPhil in Russian and East European Studies from the University of Oxford (where he was a Clarendon Scholar). He also holds a bachelors degree in International Affairs and Public Policy from Princeton University and speaks Russian.

Paola Bergallo is a Professor of Law at Universidad Di Tella in Buenos Aires. She is a member of CONICET (Argentina’s Science Foundation) and a global fellow in the Center on Law and Social Transformation in Bergen. She teaches Constitutional Rights and Law and Society as well as research seminars on law and policies about gender, access to justice, food, and health rights. She holds a Doctorate and a Master’s Degree from Stanford Law School, an LL.M. from Columbia University, and an LL.B. from Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Professor Bergallo has been involved in multiple education initiatives seeking to build modern legal capacities for Latin America. She co-founded a Law Program at Universidad de San Andrés. She has taught courses in different parts of her country, Latin America, and Spain. She has compiled several volumes, has edited Di Tella’s Law Review, and has co-directed the Collection Derecho & Política at Siglo XXI Editores. She is a founder of the Red Alas, a network of law professors promoting gender and sexuality matters in legal education, and a member of SELA, a regional Seminar in Constitutional Theory headed by Yale Law School. Professor Bergallo has headed research projects on human rights matters for the Ministry of Health, the Nordic Trust Fund, the Ford Foundation, IDRC, UNFPA, and PAHO, mentoring and training several younger scholars as part of those ventures. She has cooperated pro bono with local teams at human rights NGOs, the National Program on Reproductive Health, feminist members of the House of Representatives, and the Gender Office of the Supreme Court.

Jill Goldenziel (@JillGoldenziel) is Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations at Marine Corps University-Command and Staff College, where she teaches International Law, the Law of War, and National Security to mid-career U.S. and foreign armed services members studying for a Master’s in Military Studies. She is also an Affiliated Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Fox Leadership International program. Professor Goldenziel’s scholarship focuses on international law, comparative law, constitutional law, human rights, refugees and migration, and law and religion. Her current projects include a book on how to solve the migration and refugee crisis and several articles on the use of law as a weapon of war. Since 2016, Professor Goldenziel has participated in High-Level Meetings on the UN Global Compact on Migration, including speaking before 164 UN Member-States at the Intergovernmental Conference to adopt the Global Compact, speaking at the 2018 Inter-Parliamentary Union/UN Annual Inter-Parliamentary Hearings, and submitting draft language for the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and the Global Compact on Migration. She is actively involved in the UN’s follow-up and implementation on the Global Compact.
Professor Goldenziel’s academic work has been published in the American Journal of International Law, the American Journal of Comparative Law, the Virginia Journal of International Law, the Arizona State Law Journal, Berkeley Journal of International Law, and elsewhere. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, the L.A. Times, NPR, Public Radio International, and in other media. She has clerked for Judge Thomas Buergenthal (Ret.,International Court of Justice) and Professor William (Rusty) Park on tribunals of the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID/CIADI/CIRDI). She co-chairs the American Society of International Law’s Human Rights Interest Group and is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. More information about Professor Goldenziel and links to her work can be found on her website.