Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

ICON’s Latest Issue: Table of Contents

Volume 17 Issue 3

Table of Contents



Bosko Tripkovic, The morality of foreign law

Critical Review of Governance

Ngoc Son Bui, Constitutional amendment in Laos

Farrah Ahmed, Richard Albert and Adam Perry, Judging constitutional conventions

Symposium: Weak-form Review in Comparative Perspective

Mark Tushnet, Weak-form review: An introduction

Swati Jhaveri, Interrogating dialogic theories of judicial review

Po Jen Yap and Francis Chung, Statutory rights and de facto constitutional supremacy in Hong Kong?

Kent Roach, Dialogic remedies

Scott Stephenson, Is the Commonwealth’s approach to rights constitutionalism exportable?

Rosalind Dixon, The forms, functions, and varieties of weak(ened) judicial review

Stephen Gardbaum, Weak-form review in comparative perspective: A reply

ICON: Debate!

Hèctor López Bofill, Hubris, constitutionalism, and “the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation”: The repression of Catalan secessionist referenda in Spanish constitutional law

Antonio Bar, Hubris, constitutionalism, and “the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation”: A reply to Hèctor López Bofill

Hèctor López Bofill, Hubris, constitutionalism, and “the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation”: A rejoinder to Antonio Bar

Review Essay

Jan Komárek, Rethinking constitutionalism and democracy . . .  again? Review of Dieter Grimm. The Constitution of European Democracy; Athanasios Psygkas. From the “Democratic Deficit” to a “Democratic Surplus”: Constructing Administrative Democracy in Europe; Turkuler Isiksel. Europe’s Functional Constitution: A Theory of Constitutionalism Beyond the State.

Book Reviews

Note from the I.CON Editors

Katalin Kelemen. Judicial Dissent in European Constitutional Courts. A Comparative and Legal Perspective (Eszter Bodnár)

Christine Landfried (ed.). Judicial Power: How Constitutional Courts Affect Political Transformations (Johann Laux)

Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll.El Estado siempre llega tarde: La Reconstrucción de la Vida Cotidiana después de la Guerra (Jorge González-Jácome)

Olivier Beaud & Cécile Guérin-Bargues.L’état d’urgence, Une étude constitutionnelle, historique et critique (Rui Miguel Pereira)


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