Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)

Volume 12 Issue 2
Table of Contents



Maurice Adams, Disabling constitutionalism. Can the politics of the Belgian Constitution be explained?

Greg Taylor, Convention by consensus: Constitutional conventions in Germany

Eric C. Ip, The democratic foundations of judicial review under authoritarianism: Theory and evidence from Hong Kong


Symposium: Multipolar Administrative Law

Sabino Cassese, Giulio Napolitano & Lorenzo Casini, Towards a multipolar administrative law: A theoretical perspective

Giulio Napolitano, Conflicts and strategies in administrative law

Joana Mendes, Rule of law and participation: A normative analysis of internationalized rulemaking as composite procedures

Lorenzo Casini, “Down the rabbit-hole”: The projection of the public/private distinction beyond the state

Alberto Alemanno & Alessandro Spina, Nudging legally: On the checks and balances of behavioral regulation


I·CON: Debate!

Phil Ryan, The multicultural state and the religiously neutral state: A reply to Paul Cliteur

Paul Cliteur, The multicultural state and the religiously neutral state: A rejoinder to Phil Ryan


Review Essay

Grégoire Webber,Eulogy for the constitution that was. Review of Martin Loughlin. The British Constitution: A Very Short Introduction


Book Reviews

Simon Chesterman. One Nation Under Surveillance: A New Social Contract to Defend Freedom Without Sacrificing Liberty (William Greene)

Ruthann Robson, Dressing Constitutionally: Hierarchy, Sexuality, and Democracy from Our Hair to Our Shoes (Yofi Tirosh)

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, Claudio Michelon, & Neil Walker (eds). After Public Law (Florian Meinel)

François-Xavier Millet. L’Union européenne et l’identité constitutionnelle  des États membres (Werner Vandenbruwaene)


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