Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)

Volume 12 Issue 1
Table of Contents



Ruth Rubio-Marín, The achievement of female suffrage in Europe: On women´s citizenship

Günter Frankenberg, Human rights and the belief in a just world

Aoife Nolan, Holding non-state actors to account for constitutional economic and social rights violations: Experiences and lessons from South Africa and Ireland


Revisiting Van Gend en Loos: A Joint Symposium
with the European Journal of International Law (EJIL)

J.H.H. Weiler, Van Gend en Loos: The individual as subject and object and the dilemma of European legitimacy

Eyal Benvenisti and George Downs, The premises, assumptions, and implications of Van Gend en Loos: Viewed from the perspectives of democracy and legitimacy of international institutions: An abstract [published in EJIL 25/1]

Damian Chalmers and Luis Barroso, What Van Gend en Loos stands for

André Nollkaemper, The duality of direct effect in international law: An abstract [published in EJIL 25/1]

Morten Rasmussen, Revolutionizing European law: A history of the Van Gend en Loos judgment

Francesca Martines, Direct effect of international agreements of the European Union: An abstract [published in EJIL 25/1]

Sophie Robin-Olivier, The evolution of direct effect in the EU: Stocktaking, problems, projections

Hélène Ruiz-Fabri, Is there a case for direct effect of WTO obligations? An abstract [published in EJIL 25/1]

Jan Komárek, Waiting for the existential revolution in Europe

Michel Rosenfeld, Is global constitutionalism meaningful or desirable? An abstract [published in EJIL 25/1]


I•CON: Debate!

Francisco Urbina, “Balancing as reasoning” and the problems of legally unaided adjudication: A reply to Kai Möller

Kai Möller, “Balancing as reasoning” and the problems of legally unaided adjudication: A rejoinder to Francisco Urbina


I•CON: Debate!

Rafael Domingo, A right to religious and moral freedom?

Michael J. Perry, A right to religious and moral freedom?: A reply to Rafael Domingo


Book Reviews

Roberto Gargarella, Latin American Constitutionalism, 1810-2010. The Engine Room of the Constitution (Daniel Wei L. Wang and Priscila Pivatto)

Tania Groppi and Mari-Claire Ponthoreau (eds), The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges (François Venter)

Sonu Bedi, Beyond Race, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (Tim Wihl)

Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Law after Modernity (Umut Özsu)


One response to “I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)”

  1. kyu ho youm Avatar

    Any access to Tania Groppi and Mari-Claire Ponthoreau (eds), The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges (François Venter)? I’m anxious to read the review.

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