Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I·CON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)


 Volume 14 Issue 1

 Table of Contents



William Phelan, Supremacy, direct effect, and Dairy Products in the early history of European law

Michèle Finck, The role of human dignity in gay rights adjudication and legislation: A comparative perspective

The Changing Landscape of Australasian Constitutionalism: A Symposium

Claudia Geiringer, Cheryl Saunders, and Adrienne Stone, Introduction

Elisa Arcioni and Adrienne Stone, The small brown bird: Values and aspirations in the Australian Constitution

Rosalind Dixon, An Australian (partial) bill of rights

Andrew Geddis, Parliamentary government in New Zealand: Lines of continuity and moments of change

Janet McLean, The unwritten political constitution and its enemies

Paul Rishworth, Writing things unwritten: Common law in New Zealand’s constitution

Claudia Geiringer, What’s the story? The instability of the Australasian bills of rights

I.CON: Debate!

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, Putting political constitutionalism in its place

Adrienne Stone, Putting political constitutionalism in its place: A reply to Cormac Mac Amhlaigh

Richard Bellamy, Turtles all the way down? Is the political constitutionalist appeal to disagreement self-defeating?  A reply to Cormac Mac Amhlaigh

Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, Clinging to my turtle: A rejoinder to Adrienne Stone and Richard Bellamy

Critical Review of Governance: Privacy

David Cole and Federico Fabbrini, Bridging the transatlantic divide? The United States, the European Union, and the protection of privacy across borders

Stephen J. Schulhofer, An international right to privacy? Be careful what you wish for

Review Essays

Mikael Baaz, International law is different in different places: Russian interpretations and outlooks. Review of Lauri Mälksoo, Russian Approaches to International Law

Florian Meinel, The constitutional miracle on the Rhine: Towards a history of West German constitutionalism and the Federal Constitutional Court. Review of Justin Collings, Democracy’s Guardians: A History of the German Federal Constitutional Court, 1951–2001; Michaela Hailbronner, Traditions and Transformations: The Rise of German Constitutionalism; Falk Jaeger (ed.), Transparenz und Würde: Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und seine Architektur

I.CON Editors’ Choice of Books 2015: Tom Ginsburg, Richard Albert, Lech Garlicki and Mark Tushnet

Book Reviews

Federico Lenzerini. The Culturalization of Human Rights (Pok Yin S. Chow)

Daniele Gallo, Luca Paladini and Pietro Pustorino (eds.). Same-Sex Couples before National, Supranational and International Jurisdictions (Fergus Ryan)

Alan J. Kuperman (ed.). Constitutions and Conflict Management in Africa: Preventing Civil War Through Institutional Design (Mia Swart)


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