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Editorial – Page 12 – I·CONnect

Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: Editorial

  • Towards a “New Schuman Declaration” (I·CON 13, Issue 2: Editorial)

    Even at a time of crisis, one can neither forget nor overstate the fundamental contribution of the European construct to the destiny of our continent over the last six decades. In several respects the successes of Europe may have exceeded the boldest expectations of its visionary founders.

  • I.CON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)

    I.CON  Volume 13 Issue 2  Table of Contents Editorial I.CON Keynote Robert O. Keohane, Nominal democracy?  Prospects for democratic global governance Articles Matthias Klatt, Positive rights? Who decides? Judicial review in balance Vanessa MacDonnell, The civil servant’s role in the implementation of constitutional rights Kristen Stilt, Contextualizing constitutional Islam: The Malayan experience Christopher McCrudden, Transnational…

  • Remembrance of Things Past (I·CON 13, Issue 1: Editorial)

    I have invited Ran Hirschl, member of our Editorial Board, to write the Editorial for this issue. His contribution follows below. “Remembrance of Things Past” A couple of years ago in these pages, I published an extended Editorial outlining the analytical and methodological need to move beyond a text- or court-centric comparative constitutional law to…

  • I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)

    I.CON  Volume 13 Issue 1  Table of Contents Editorial I·CON Keynote Dieter Grimm, The role of fundamental rights after sixty-five years of constitutional jurisprudence in Germany Articles Arthur Dyevre, Technocracy and distrust: Revisiting the rationale for constitutional review Yan Lin, Constitutional evolution through legislation: The quiet transition of China’s Constitution Theunis Roux, American ideas abroad:…

  • On my way out – Advice to young scholars I: Presenting a paper in an international (and national) conference (I·CON 12, Issue 4: Editorial)

    —Michel Rosenfeld, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law This will be the last issue in which Michel Rosenfeld serves as a Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of I.CON. He has asked to step down after 14 years of distinguished and selfless service to I.CON.

  • I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)

    I.CON  Volume 12 Issue 4  Table of Contents Editorial I.CON Keynote Brigid Laffan, The state of our unsettled Union I.CON: Debate! Luc B. Tremblay, An egalitarian defense of proportionality-based balancing Matthias Klatt, An egalitarian defense of proportionality-based balancing: A reply to Luc B.

  • Editor’s Choice: Lech Garlicki

    —Lech Garlicki, University of Warsaw [ICON Editors’ Choices for New Year Readings and Gifts: ICON’s Book Review Editor, Isabel Feichtner, invited our Board members to reflect on the books that have had a significant impact on them over the past year.

  • Editor’s Choice: Adam Tomkins

    —Adam Tomkins, University of Glasgow [ICON Editors’ Choices for New Year Readings and Gifts: ICON’s Book Review Editor, Isabel Feichtner, invited our Board members to reflect on the books that have had a significant impact on them over the past year.

  • Editor’s Choice: Mark Tushnet

    —Mark Tushnet, Harvard Law School [ICON Editors’ Choices for New Year Readings and Gifts: ICON’s Book Review Editor, Isabel Feichtner, invited our Board members to reflect on the books that have had a significant impact on them this year. In the following weeks they will present their selections here on I*Connect.

  • 2014 I-CONnect Year-in-Review

    –The Editors As we near the end of 2014, we pause to thank you for reading I-CONnect, for sending us your submissions, and for sharing so generously your advice and suggestions for how best to serve the global community of comparative public law scholars.