Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Awards, New Books, and a Book Series

Several recent awards, new books, and a new book series on comparative constitutional law & policy might be of interest to this blog’s readers. First, Sanford Levinson, one of the most influential, prolific and thoughtful scholars of American constitutional law, won the APSA’s Law & Courts Section Lifetime Achievement Award. Professor Levinson’s work on constitutional design in the United States and elsewhere is well known to many of our readers. His support of generations of scholars, young and younger, has been second to none. My recently retired colleague Richard Simeon, a prominent scholar of federalism, has won the APSA’s Daniel Elazar Distinguished Federalism Scholar Award. Meanwhile, The Endurance of National Constitutions (Cambridge University Press, 2009) by our fellow bloggers Zach Elkins and Tom Ginsburg (with James Melton) won the APSA’s Human Rights and Democratization section 2009 Best Book Award.

Several new books are certain to be of interest to this blog’s readers. Vicki Jackson’s Constitutional Engagement in a Transnational Era (Oxford University Press, 2010) was published a few months ago, and provides a comprehensive, thought-provoking take on constitutional law in a globalized world. Gary Jacobsohn’s Constitutional Identity (Harvard University Press, 2010) has just come out, and addresses the problem of constitutional disharmony or organic mismatch between constitutional texts, aspirations and realities. And, yes, my very own new book, Constitutional Theocracy (Harvard University Press, 2010) has just hit the virtual book stands. It deals with the intersection of constitutional law and sacred texts in the non-secular world. Each of these books deserves a separate blog post, which I intend to post in the coming weeks.

Finally, this would be a good opportunity to bring to our readers’ attention a new book series on comparative constitutional law & policy that Zach Elkins, Tom Ginsburg, and myself are editing under the auspices of Cambridge University Press. We would be happy to consider original, high quality monographs as well as timely, thematically coherent edited collections for possible inclusion in this series, which we hope would emerge as fourm for influential texts in the field.



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