Author: i_conn_admin
The National Security Law and the Defense of Democratic Institutions in Brazil
—Clèmerson Merlin Clève, Federal University of Paraná and UniBrasil. “That anyone who possesses power has a tendency to abuse it is an eternal truth. They tend to go as far as the barriers will allow.”Baron de Montesquieu Brazil has been through, since the eighties, as of the enactment of the Constitution, a slow process of…
What’s New in Public Law
—Claudia Marchese, Research Fellow in Comparative Public Law at the University of Florence (Italy) Developments in Constitutional Courts The Constitutional Court of South Africa has issued directions that former president Jacob Zuma must file an affidavit addressing what penalty the Court should impose if he is found guilty of the alleged contempt of court.
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and the “Common Good”
—Armi Beatriz E. Bayot, University of Oxford Faculty of Law [Editors’ Note: This is one of our biweekly ICONnect columns. For more information on our four columnists for 2021, please see here.] A recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations shows that the indigenous peoples of Latin America are…
Term Limits and the Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment Doctrine in Indonesia
—Stefanus Hendrianto, Pontifical Gregorian University A controversy surrounding constitutional amendment has surfaced recently in Indonesia, after a veteran politician, Amien Rais, accused the administration of Joko Widodo (or Jokowi) of trying to sway the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) to amend the 1945 Constitution so that the presidential term could be extended.[1]
What’s New in Public Law
—Nakul Nayak, Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School, India. Developments in Constitutional Courts The Kenyan Constitutional Court dismissed a petition to strike down the Female Genital Mutilation Act, which outlaws the traditional practice of female circumcision.The UK Supreme Court ruled that care workers carrying out overnight ‘sleep-in’ shifts are not entitled to the National…
Digital Constitutionalism and the Right to Protest Online – A Political Perspective of Digital Dissent from India’s experience with Content Moderation
—Lucas Henrique Muniz da Conceição, LL.M. at Birkbeck, University of London and Shailesh Kumar, Ph.D. Candidate at Birkbeck, University of London. At the end of January, Twitter was involved in a political conundrum in India, because it complied with the government request to ban controversial hashtags, users, and tweets from its platform.
Social Media Photos for 2021 ICON•S Conference “ICON•S Mundo – The Future of Public Law” July 6-9, 2021
The ICON-S team is looking forward to hosting the world at the 2021 ICON•S Conference “ICON•S Mundo – The Future of Public Law” on July 6-9, 2021. All are welcome. The ICON-S team has prepared several social media photos featuring the Conference theme.
Call for Papers | 2021 ICON•S Conference “ICON•S Mundo – The Future of Public Law” July 6-9, 2021
ICON•S | The International Society of Public Law is pleased to announce that the Society’s 2021 Annual Conference will be held on July 6 – 9, 2021. This will be the seventh Annual Conference of ICON•S, following the six Annual Conferences of previous years (Florence 2014, New York 2015, Berlin 2016, Copenhagen 2017, Hong Kong 2018,…
What’s New in Public Law
—Chiara Graziani, Research Fellow in Comparative Public Law, University of Milan-Bicocca (Italy) and Academic Fellow, Bocconi University (Italy) In this weekly feature, I-CONnect publishes a curated reading list of developments in public law. “Developments” may include a selection of links to news, high court decisions, new or recent scholarly books and articles, and blog posts…
The Stalled Amendment Initiative in Serbia
—Dragoljub Popović, Union University School of Law, Belgrade – Serbia, and Tanasije Marinković, University of Belgrade School of Law, Serbia Towards the end of 2020, the Government renewed a two-year old initiative to amend the 2006 Constitution. The Amendment Initiative was addressed to the National Assembly, which has only one chamber.