Author: i_conn_admin
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 8: The Problem of the Amending or Revising Power and Its Constitutional Limits
—Imer B. Flores, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM [E]very constitution as a whole is a limit,constitutional government means limited government.Hilario Medina [Editors’ Note: This is Part 8 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here.
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 7: A Predicament of Its Own Making – On the Supreme Court of Mexico’s Conundrum on the Limits of Amendment Powers
—Jaime Olaiz-González, Universidad Panamericana (Mexico City)[1] [Editors’ Note: This is Part 7 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here. The symposium pieces are cross-posted at ICONnect (in English) and at IberICONnect (in Spanish).
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 6: The Future of the Mexican Supreme Court
—Alfonso Herrera, Universidad Panamericana & Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico City) [Editors’ Note: This is Part 6 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here. The symposium pieces are cross-posted at ICONnect (in English) and at IberICONnect (in Spanish).
What’s New in Public Law
—Anubhav Kumar, Advocate & Researcher, Supreme Court of India In this weekly feature, I-CONnect publishes a curated reading list of developments in public law. “Developments” may include links to news, high court decisions, new or recent scholarly books, articles, and blog posts from around the public law blogosphere.
ICON Volume 22, Issue 2: Editorial
Editorial In this issue Guest Editorial: Unsexing scholarship? Towards better citation and citizenship practices in global public law In this issue The guest editorial which opens this issue is authored by Rosalind Dixon and Mila Versteeg, who consider how the under-citation of female scholars can be addressed.
ICON Volume 22, Issue 2: Table of Contents
I•CON Volume 22 Issue 2 Table of Contents Editorial: In this issue; Guest Editorial: Unsexing scholarship? Towards better citation and citizenship practices in global public law Articles Nimer Sultany, Law’s ideology: Neoliberalism and developmentalism in Egyptian jurisprudence Vlad Perju, Elements of a doctrine of transnational constitutional norms Shamshad Pasarlay, Dialogic incrementalism in deeply divided societies…
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 5: The Other Judicial Reforms in Mexico – Elected and Faceless Judges, Military Personnel with Investigative Tasks, and Mandatory Pre-Trial Detention
—Sandra Serrano, Researcher at IIJ-UNAM [Editors’ Note: This is Part 5 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here. The symposium pieces are cross-posted at ICONnect (in English) and at IberICONnect (in Spanish).
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 4: The Mexican Judicial Reform — So What?
—Rodrigo Camarena González, ITAM [Editors’ Note: This is Part 4 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here. The symposium pieces are cross-posted at ICONnect (in English) and at IberICONnect (in Spanish).
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 3: The Judicial Reform Snowball and the State of Mexican Democracy
—Francisca Pou Giménez, UNAM [Editors’ Note: This is Part 3 of a symposium on the recent constitutional amendments affecting the judiciary in Mexico. The introduction to the symposium can be found here. The symposium pieces are cross-posted at ICONnect (in English) and at IberICONnect (in Spanish).
The Anna Karenina Principle and Democratic Erosion
—Miguel Schor, Professor of Law, Associate Director of the Drake University Constitutional Law Center, and Class of 1977 Distinguished Scholar [Editor’s Note: This is one of our ICONnect columns. For more on our 2024 columnists, see here.] Leo Tolstoy begins Anna Karenina by observing that happy families are all alike whereas every unhappy family is…