Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Showcase–New Directions in Administrative Law Theory

[Editor’s Note: In this “Showcase,” we feature a series of posts introducing new ideas in theoretical approaches to administrative law. These ideas emerged from papers presented in a workshop at the University of Oxford organized by Thomas Adams, Hasan Dindjer and Adam Perry. This Showcase will feature eight sets of new ideas. In this post, the workshop organizers introduce the Showcase and its contributors. We thank the organizers for bringing these new ideas to our readers here at I-CONnect.]

Thomas Adams, University of Oxford, Hasan Dindjer, University of Oxford, and Adam Perry, University of Oxford

Administrative law theory traditionally takes a back seat to constitutional law theory. In the past several years, administrative law theory has become a more active area, with new scholars taking the subject in new directions. The best of this recent work is rigorous, analytical, interdisciplinary, and deeply engaged with legal doctrine.

We think this development is exciting, and so we gathered together a group of early-career scholars together in Oxford in July 2019 to present and discuss works in progress in the theory of administrative law. The authors were:

Joanna Bell (Cambridge)
Hasan Dindjer (Oxford)
Jacob Weinrib (Queen’s)
Max Harris (Oxford)
Adam Perry (Oxford)
Sarah Nason (Prifysgol Bangor University)
Farrah Ahmed (University of Melbourne)
Jason Allen (Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin)

The papers covered a variety of topics: the questionable democratic credentials of administrative officials, the potential of automated content analysis, the surprising ubiquity of reason-giving, the sources of executive power, the virtues of arbitrary power, the unity of the grounds of review, and the very nature and morality of administrative law. The posts in the rest of this series summarise the authors’ contributions.

Suggested Citation: Thomas Adams, Hasan Dindjer and Adam Perry, Showcase: New Directions in Administrative Law Theory, Int’l J. Const. L. Blog, Sept. 8, 2019, at


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