Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I·CON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)


 Volume 14 Issue 2

 Table of Contents



N.W. Barber, Why entrench?

Chien-Chih Lin, Constitutions and courts in Chinese authoritarian regimes: China and pre-democratic Taiwan in comparison

Constitutional Identity

Antoni Abat i Ninet and James A. Gardner, Distinctive identity claims in federal systems: Judicial policing of subnational variance

Monika Polzin, Constitutional identity, unconstitutional amendments and the idea of constituent power: The development of the doctrine of constitutional identity in German constitutional law

Symposium: The Legacy of Mauro Cappelletti

J.H.H. Weiler, The legacy of Mauro Cappelletti: A preface

Sabino Cassese, In praise of Mauro Cappelletti

Loïc Azoulai, “Integration through law” and us

Marta Cartabia, Mauro Cappelletti: One of the “precious few” of our generation

Sara Benvenuti, The referral mechanism and the role of ordinary judges: Cappelletti and beyond

Marijn van der Sluis, EU law for a new generation?

Hanna Eklund, Judicial review and social progress in the work of Mauro Cappelletti and today

Marta Infantino, Integration through comparative private law: Four lessons from Cappelletti

Critical Review of Governance

 Mathilde Cohen, On the linguistic design of multinational courts—The French capture

Rivka Weill, Resurrecting Legislation

Book Review

Umut Ȍzsu. Formalizing Displacement: International Law and Population Transfers (Stephen C. Neff)


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