Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Preview of I·CON’s next issue (Table of Contents)


Volume 11 Issue 2

Table of Contents



Niels Petersen. Avoiding the common-wisdom fallacy: The role of social sciences in constitutional adjudication

Benjamin L. Berger. Children of two logics: A way into Canadian constitutional culture

Carlos Bernal. Unconstitutional constitutional amendments in the case study of Colombia: An analysis of the justification and meaning of the constitutional replacement doctrine

Swati Jhaveri. Transforming “fairness” as a ground of judicial review in Hong Kong


Perspectives on African Constitutionalism 

Charles Manga Fombad. Some perspectives on durability and change under modern African constitutions

Jeremie Gilbert. Constitutionalism, ethnicity and minority rights in Africa: A legal appraisal from the Great Lakes region

H. Kwasi Prempeh. Constitutionalism, ethnicity and minority rights in Africa: A reply to Jeremie Gilbert

Jeremie Gilbert. Constitutionalism, ethnicity and minority rights in Africa: A rejoinder to H. Kwasi Prempeh


Critical Review of Global Governance

Zlatan Begić and Zlatan Delić. Constituency of peoples in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Chasing fair solutions


Critical Review of Jurisprudence

Janneke Gerards. How to improve the necessity test of the European Court of Human Rights


I.CON Book Forum

Alec Stone Sweet. The structure of constitutional pluralism: Review of Nico Krisch, Beyond Constitutionalism: The Pluralist Structure of Post-National Law

Nico Krisch. Constitutionalism and pluralism: A reply to Alec Stone Sweet


Review Essays

Peer Zumbansen. Administrative law’s global dream: Navigating regulatory spaces between “national” and “international”

Roman Guski. Autonomy as sovereignty: On Teubner’s constitutionalization of transnational function regimes


Book Reviews

Tom Ginsburg (ed.). Comparative Constitutional Design (Günter Frankenberg)

Antje Wiener. The Invisible Constitution of Politics: Contested Norms and International Encounters (Friedrich Kratochwil)

Ridwanul Hoque. Judicial Activism in Bangladesh: A Golden Mean Approach (Kawser Ahmed)


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