Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Preview of I·CON’s next issue (Table of Contents)


Volume 11 Issue 1

Table of Contents



Or Bassok and Yoav Dotan, Solving the countermajoritarian difficulty?

Asem Khalil, Beyond the written constitution: Constitutional crisis of, and the institutional deadlock in, the Palestinian political system as entrenched in the basic law

Adam Shinar and Anna Su, Religious law as foreign law in constitutional interpretation

Lars Vinx, The incoherence of strong popular sovereignty


Symposium: The Boundaries of Public Law 

Michel Rosenfeld, Rethinking the boundaries between public law and private law for the twenty first century: An introduction

Alain Supiot, The public-private relation in the context of today’s refeudalization

Peter Goodrich, The political theology of private law

Judith Resnik, Globalization(s), privatization(s), constitutionalization, and statization: Icons and experiences of sovereignty in the 21st century


The Lautsi Debate – Fin  

Dimitrios Kyritsis and Stavros Tsakyrakis, Neutrality in the classroom

Lorenzo Zucca, Lautsi:  A Commentary on a decision by the ECtHR Grand Chamber

JHH Weiler, Lautsi: A reply


Review Essay

David Kosař, The least accountable branch

 Book Reviews 

Marco Goldoni and Christopher McCorkindale (eds). Hannah Arendt and the Law (Christian Volk)

C. Raj Kumar. Corruption and Human Rights in India. Comparative Perspectives on Transparency and Good Governance (Morag Goodwin)

Sandra Liebenberg. Socio-Economic Rights. Adjudication under a Transformative Constitution (Katharine G. Young)

Ademola Abass (ed.). Protecting Human Security in Africa (Mia Swart)

Steven Radelet. Emerging Africa. How 17 Countries are Leading the Way (Ebrahim Afsah)


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